Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or a professional surfer, you are always learning and improving. Surf Whiz is a great tool to help you improve and a place to find all the surfing information you need. On their site you’ll find out about our Classic Malibu board types, styles and what boards will best suit your surfing level and wave conditions. Find our boards displayed here with information and links to our various models to find the board that’s right for you.
Surf Whiz is an online surfing and fitness educator with the aim to provide everyone from beginners through to advanced surfers the opportunity to improve and excel in their surfing ability. Surf Whiz offers comprehensive online courses for each level of surfing ability; beginner, intermediate and advanced. These courses will comprise of not only coaching for when you’re actually surfing but also the equipment you will be using, how to analyse surf locations and complex weather charts, fitness maintenance and much more.
In their new beginner course to be released, look out for our Classic Malibu board models featured, and details on how rocker, rail shape, fin-setup, concave etc. affect your surfboard and the way you ride.
You can follow Surf Whiz for the latest updates in surfing, equipment, technology, board construction, surfing fitness and course release dates.
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