Classic Malibu is an iconic local business made up of a small number of key team members, dedicated to manufacturing and suppling our customers with their magic board. From style and shape design right down to the colour patterns we can custom make almost anything your heart desires. With that we thought it would be nice to introduce you to our valuable team members that in fact “make the magic happen”.

Our head shaper and Classic Malibu business owner Peter White is the innovative craftsman behind our surfboard designs and templates. Now having shaped boards for over 50 years, and with a wealth of experience and knowledge is always searching for new innovations in surfboard design. From the latest templates to creative artwork “style is everything” and when it comes to the board for you Peter custom shapes everything from high performance shortboards to 10ft old school logs.

Peter White shaped his first surfboard in 1965 in the garage of his parents house. He has made surfboards ever since, having travelled the world sharing his craft throughout England Spain, Japan, Taiwan and now China. Mainly shaping short-boards during the first 20 years, it wasn’t until he moved to Queensland in 1987, that he concentrated on long-boards and fun-boards.

As well as being a world class shaper Peter has also surfed for most of his life. Some of his favourite hobbies amongst shaping surfboards and surfing include reading and …

With a quality sense of humour Peter is one of the best shapers today,